The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievements in Science


The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievements in Science, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639333046

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The relationship between academic achievements of students and the family socioeconomic status (SES) has been well established according to an educational or sociological research. In the low SES families the influence of educational outcomes has significant dimension. This study exhibits new results from a sample of sufficient number of students belonging to different backgrounds of urban and rural areas. It supports economic and social components of the socioeconomic status equation that imposes dissimilar influences on educational outcomes. Families having high socioeconomic status most of the time demonstrate greater success towards preparation of their young for college as they have an access to resources to promote and support development of their children. 1. Irfan Elahi Valeem: August 03, 1966, Uthal (Balochistan), M.Phil. (Ed.), M.Ed. (Eval. & Guid.), M.S.E. (Ment. Retard.), M.Sc. (App. Maths.) Senior Subject Specialist; 2. Naseem Qaisrani: Ph.D., M.A. USA, M.A. (Ed.), Professor; and 3. Ehsan Elahi Valeem: Ph.D., M.Phil. (Mar. Biol.), M.Sc. (Bot.), LL.B., Assistant Professor.

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