Ertanzte Bildung – Lernende Krper
$14.00Ertanzte Bildung – Lernende Krper, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639343557
Entstehung Und Entwicklung Der Volkshochschule(n) Wien Und Berlin
$3.00Entstehung Und Entwicklung Der Volkshochschule(n) Wien Und Berlin, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639338188
International Medical Graduates in the Netherlands
$11.00International Medical Graduates in the Netherlands, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639333305
The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievements in Science
$12.00The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievements in Science, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639333046
Balancing the forces for training programs and work alignment:
$7.00Balancing the forces for training programs and work alignment:, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639329711
Strengthening College Programs in Career and Technical Education
$8.00Strengthening College Programs in Career and Technical Education, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639329223
Offenes Basiscurriculum fr die Ausbildung zum/zur HeimhelferIn in N
$11.00Offenes Basiscurriculum fr die Ausbildung zum/zur HeimhelferIn in N, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639322002
Physical Therapists Not-Knowing During International Service Work
$11.00Physical Therapists Not-Knowing During International Service Work, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639314960
Preparation for Headship in Brunei Secondary Education
$15.00Preparation for Headship in Brunei Secondary Education, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639313079
The Youth Polytechnic Programme in the Context of the Education System
$8.00The Youth Polytechnic Programme in the Context of the Education System, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639312652
Affordances and Constraints on Informal Learning in the Workplace
$6.00Affordances and Constraints on Informal Learning in the Workplace, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639309539
Women’s Cultural Roles and Participation in Functional Adult Literacy:
$7.00Women’s Cultural Roles and Participation in Functional Adult Literacy:, Zhang, Jing,, 9783639309355