The Art of Peaceful Teaching in the Primary School: Improving Behaviour and Preserving Motivation
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From Monkey Sapiens to Homo Intentional: The Phenomenology of the Non-Violent Revolution
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Engaging ‘tweens and Teens: A Brain-Compatible Approach to Reaching Middle and High School Students
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Rethinking Teaching in Higher Education: From a Course Design Workshop to a Faculty Development Framework
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Using Skilled Dialogue to Transform Challenging Interactions: Honoring Identity, Voice, and Connection
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Exclusion from School: Multi-Professional Approaches to Policy and Practice
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Classroom Discipline Problem Solver: Ready-to-use Techniques and Materials for Managing All Kinds of Behavior Problems
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Emotional and Behavioral Problems: A Handbook for Understanding and Handling Students
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Emotional and Behavioral Problems: A Handbook for Understanding and Handling Students
$4.00Emotional and Behavioral Problems: A Handbook for Understanding and Handling Students, Gwendolyn y. Turner, 9780761977032
Emotional Disorders and Learning Disabilities in the Elementary Classroom: Interactions and Interventions
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Emotional Disorders and Learning Disabilities in the Elementary Classroom: Interactions and Interventions
$3.00Emotional Disorders and Learning Disabilities in the Elementary Classroom: Interactions and Interventions, Gwendolyn y. Turner,…