Using Corpora for Language Learning and Teaching


Using Corpora for Language Learning and Teaching, Lynda Farrington Wilson, 9781945351129

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How Can You Use Corpora in Your Classroom? With the increasing use of corpora in classrooms, the need to understand how to use corpora in language teaching is essential for today’s teachers. Using ample concrete examples, this book offers a step-by-step hands-on introduction to the use of corpora for teaching a variety of English language skills such as grammar, vocabulary, and English academic writing. Using Corpora for Language Teaching and Learning offers:* A detailed discussion of basic essential corpus search and teaching procedures and activities* Instructions on how to develop your own corpora for language instruction and research purposes* Practical ideas about how to use corpora to develop teaching materials* An annotated list of useful corpora and corpus tools (online)Gaining familiarity with how to use learner corpora will enable you to have a deeper understanding of your students’ learning and challenges.

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TESOL International Association