This world has become a Very Strange Place, because of what each person has chosen and decided. Alien TapLining has been going on for centuries, but never really brought to the surface for the public to See or Recognize. A lot of what is Effecting people is from their Unseen Side, that of the other Four Bodies they have with them, which most people have no idea they have. People are most Effected by their Astral Body, which is their Emotional / Sensation Body they relate to. All of us are to Experience Everything in Life and Everything is Always Okay. We each decide our position and what we want our life to be. But what most people do not Realize is, they have been Deceived by the Invented Systems that are now Kontrolling almost everyone on this planet. Each one of us decides what we want to Agree to, and we have the right to do so, but what is not Seen by most, is that they are Agreeing to their own demise and being TapLined in their Astral Body in their DreamVisions.