DR. DUANE and DR. EVA, are Direct Representatives with The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. When YU Test The NU U Sessions, YU can have The RealSide Experience of having DR. Duane & DR. Eva show YU The RealCure for ALL and What IS Real Now. In Your Dreams Your God or Master could show you ‘What IS Real Now’ but only if Your God or Master has The RealCourage to do so, as most people already belong to some form of Restricting Religious Regime or Subservient Spiritual System. To many, this would sound so funny, but there is so much more to the Gods of Man and the Master Role that so many play to Kontrol others than is Seen on the surface of this world. The Kult Kontrolling Authoritarians have Konditioned the Old Masses into a ‘Huge Mass Hypnotizm’ and have Marketed the masses into ‘Believing’ in something that is altogether unbelievable, because the Invented Gods of Man are actually Make-Believe and so are the OnStage Masters of today who like to perform with their Pretty Words.